Published monthly at 1505 E. Mesquite Lane - Victoria, TX 77901 Contact Us
For customers outside the diocese: $15 per column inch Church-nonprofit outside diocese: $13 per column inch
For customers inside the diocese: $12 per column inch Church–nonprofits inside the diocese: $10 per column inch
Four-Color ads (preferred placement): Add 50%
Inserts: $50-$70 per 1000 - depending on size
LARGE ADS OUTSIDE DIOCESE: INSIDE DIOCESE OF VICTORIA: Full pg. (43") $645; Nonprofit: $559 Full pg.: $516; Nonprofit: $430 Half pg. (21.50") $322.50; N.P.: $279.50 Half pg.: $258; N.P.: $215 Quarter pg.: (10.75") $161.25; N.P.: $139.75 Qtr. Pg.: $129; N.P.: $107.50
Additional Charges Include:
Mechanical Specifications:
Deadline: Ad reservation by the 15th of the preceding month. Print date: First Wednesday of the month (subject to change).
Send advertising requests to Gina Janak at
Send camera-ready ad, pdf, photoshop, Indesign, or ad information to:
Regina Matus-Janak The Catholic Lighthouse
**The Catholic Lighthouse is a 20-page tabular publication, published monthly, with a circulation of 5,600. The editor of the publication reserves the right to approve or disapprove any advertising or article to run in The Catholic Lighthouse. |
Publication & Deadline Dates for Story & Advertisement Submission
Please have articles/ads into our office by the 15th of the (preceding) month)
Please send us bright, crisply-focused photos and stories of what's happening in your school/parish. Remember, Christmas photos need to be into our office by Tuesday, January 3, for the January issue (sorry, Christmas photos will not go into later issues). Please send Catholic Schools Week info. by January 15, 2013.
Diocese of Victoria Directory Updates The 2012 Diocese of Victoria Directory is available for purchase from The Catholic Lighthouse office.
If you have purchased a diocesan directory in the past and have the official flexible plastic, diocesan binder, you may download and print or purchase the loose-leaf contents of the directory by themselves to replace the outdated information. Click here to download the directory (PDF, 13.5MB) To receive the 2012 Diocesan Directory, please send a check, for the appropriate amount, to The Catholic Lighthouse, 1505 E. Mesquite Lane, Victoria, TX 77901. Remember, to save the diocese and yourself money, please pick up the directory at the chancery office at the same address. |