Appreciation and farewell
We are bidding a fond farewell to one of our principals at the close of this school year. After having served five years in that capacity at Nazareth Academy, Scott Kloesel has announced his resignation. He has been at NA, however, for 15 years, as both counselor and assistant principal. We wish Scott the best as he travels to Houston to take an administrative position at St. Vincent de Paul elementary school within the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Our thanks to Mr. Kloesel for keeping the “Jets for Jesus” spirit throughout the halls of N.A.
We welcome Sr. Evelyn Korenek, IWBS, as she returns to the principal position, following an absence of some twelve years. Sr. Evelyn is presently the General Superior of the IWBS order. She will end her tenure shortly, so that she may begin her new position at Nazareth Academy.