Wedding is a Day...
A Marriage is a Lifetime"
Married Coupes are needed to help provide the ministry of
Marriage Preparation for Engaged Couples
in the Diocese of
Victoria in Texas
What Happens At An Encounter?
Presenting teams of married couples and a Catholic Priest give a
series of carefully prepared presentations. Presenting teams are given a
national EE outline to follow in preparation of these talks.
See Photos of an EE Weekend.
Married couples need not have a "perfect lifestyle" in
fact, just the opposite is more helpful in preparing young couples for
the daily commitment that God calls us to in a Christian vocation of
marriage. The message delivered should be: The commitment to marriage is serious and that marriage is a sacrament and
should not be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but deliberately, and
The EE weekend offers the married couple time for reflection and
quiet peace away from the hectic world. So the presenting team benefits
from this weekend away, just as will the engaged couples. Time for
prayer, writing and reflection between married partners is encouraged in
the Engaged Encounter outline that is followed.
Through your presentations, you are invited to challenge these
couples to
explore their relationship in a much deeper and more honest way than
ever before. Through a series of ideas, under the topics listed below,
your presentations as a married couple or from the perspective of a Catholic
Priest should stimulate the engaged couple to dialogue
privately with each other on all aspects of married life - always from
the viewpoint of their own lives.
Don't be nervous! The EE teams have all been there; and
will "workshop" your presentations to aide you in preparing
for your first weekend. In fact, we would like to invite you to attend
at least part of a weekend to better understand the process and
commitment (if you haven't attended an EE weekend yourselves).
The EE Team couples often express how they enjoy an enrichment in
their own lives as a result of their involvement in presenting or
serving in whatever capacity.
Topics covered during the weekend
Encounter with Me: Self-awareness
Encounter with We:
Stages of romance, Disillusionment & True Joy
Openness in Communication
Signs of a Closed Relationship
Decisions in Marriage
Human Sexuality
Natural Family Planning
Two-by-Two: Marriage as a Vocation
Wedding: The Beginning of our Sacrament
Unity: Called to be One
Morality in a Christian Marriage
Forgiveness in Marriage
Becoming a Family
The weekend begins on Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. Hosting couples
arrive early at the Spiritual Renewal Center for check-in beginning
at 7:00 p.m.
Presenting Teams staying on the weekend are given private cabins. See
the Spiritual Renewal Center photos.
Couples can assist in areas of supply, computer, support during the
weekend, and other areas. Please contact us to find out more:
Engaged Encounter
P.O. Box 4070
Victoria, Texas 77903
If you have questions you may call (361) 573-0828.
Why not E-mail Us
to have an EE Team Couple contact you.
May God bless you and your family, and help you in discerning this
call to ministry.