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Statement from Bishop David E.
Fellhauer on the announcement by Pope Benedict XVI’s of his upcoming
I am personally saddened by Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement that
he will retire this coming February 28, although I understand his
While I was completely surprised by his announcement, the pope had
already indicated in the past that resignation was an option from which
he would not shrink if the circumstances merited.
I admire his decision; it took courage and honesty. The pope, who
is a man of prayer and deep spirituality, indicated that he made the
decision only after examining his conscience before God.
I am a great admirer of Pope Benedict. He has fulfilled the office
of the papacy in a remarkable manner and has brought to the office an
extraordinarily keen intellect and a clear insight into the spirit of
our time.
May God give him grace and peace.
story at The Catholic Lighthouse page
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Diocese of Victoria
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1505 E. Mesquite Lane
Victoria, Texas 77901
(361) 573-0828
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