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LINKS OF INTEREST FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS School Accreditation Purpose of Catholic Schools Goals of Catholic Schools Religious Education Program Academic Program Student Assessment SCHOOL ACCREDITATIONIn accordance with the decision of the Roman Catholic Bishops of the State of Texas, each school, which is recognized by its Bishop as a Catholic school, is to be accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED). The Texas Catholic Conference Accreditation Commission (TCCAC) was established to assist and give direction to the TCCED. Membership consists of 6 superintendents of the present 14 dioceses, 6 commissioners-at-large and two bishop members who serve as Episcopal liaisons. The accreditation status of each Catholic school is reported to the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC), the joint association established to review and approve the principles, standards, and processes of various accrediting associations. Non-public schools accredited by a TEPSAC-approved association are recognized by the Commissioner of Education as accredited schools and will be so listed in the official Texas School Directory. This acknowledgment of accreditation ensures that student credits earned in these accredited non-public schools and teacher service in these schools are recognized for salary increment purposes in Texas public schools. The accreditation of non-public schools under this arrangement became effective on February 12, 1986. Accreditation of non-public schools directly by the Texas Education Agency ceased after May 31, 1989. PURPOSE OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLSThe purpose of Catholic education is to draw or lead people of all ages into communion with God and others through a deeper understanding, experience and practice of one’s faith. This is accomplished by providing students with an academic curriculum that is unique, contemporary, and apostolic. GOALS OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS1. To integrate Catholic, Christian teachings and values into every aspect of the learning process and experience of school so that young people’s journey into adulthood will also be a journey of faith and a growing internalization of these teachings and values. 2. To provide an excellent academic education to help young people reach their God given potential and be responsible, productive citizens. 3. To assist parents, who are their children’s primary educators, in the education and religious formation of their children. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMAll students are required to participate in the religious education program of the Catholic school. The religious education program presents to the students an authentic statement of the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. Teachers are sensitive to the fact that children of other religions are present in religion classes and their beliefs and faith experience may not be the same as those of Catholics. Students are also required to attend prayer services and the Mass. However, no student is ever forced to participate in liturgical services. ACADEMIC PROGRAMThe academic curriculum of the schools of in the Diocese of Victoria follows the standards set forth by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department. Curriculum seeks to develop the individual’s highest potential through a teaching/learning process that promotes proficiency in language arts, English, mathematics, technology, science, social studies, fine arts, foreign language, and physical education. Curriculum emphasizes development of the higher level thinking skills of research, analysis, evaluation and problem solving. STUDENT ASSESSMENTThe Iowa Test of Basic Skills(ITBS) is being administered to all students in grades 1-11. This is a nationally-normed test designed to measure achievement in reading, language development, mathematics, social studies, science, use of information, and listening and thinking skills. In selected grades, students will also be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), which is an abilities test that assists the teachers in planning for their students. Prior to the ITBS,, the Stanford Test was being used throughout the diocese. Students in grade 12 take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and/or the American College Test (ACT). Non-DISCRIMINATION POLICY The policy of the schools of the Diocese of Victoria not to discriminate, on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national or ethnic origin, or disabling condition, in educational programs, activities, or services extends to employment in, and admission to, such programs, activities and services.
Schools of the Victoria Diocese (alphabetical)
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