"Your light must shine before others so that they can see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

February 2011

     D ear People of the Diocese of Victoria:

As we continue to navigate through the troubled economy, I am very aware of the demands and difficulties that you face. Each year I have asked for your support for our diocesan ministries and administrative offices, and each year you have generously supported our efforts. Once again, I request your participation in our annual Diocesan Services Appeal (DSA).

As you face challenges in your personal lives, so does the Diocese. Due to the increasing cost of personnel, benefits, insurance and other operating expenses, I am faced with the unpleasant task of increasing our appeal amount by 9.5%. For several years there have been minimal increases in the DSA, even though costs of personnel and other operating expenses were increasing. This was a decision that was made because of the state of the economy. However, the need to increase the DSA amount can no longer be ignored.

The Diocese, as reported to you in the Catholic Lighthouse, has for the past two years spent more money than it collected. This is called deficit spending. Although these shortages were anticipated and covered with unencumbered funds, we cannot continue to operate in the red. This year steps are being taken to ensure the Diocese does not spend more than its income. For 2012 there will be a salary freeze for Chancery personnel, a restriction on travel to conferences and seminars, and the Catholic Lighthouse is being reduced from 20 pages to 12 pages. These three steps alone will result in a savings of approximately $100,000. Additional steps are also being taken which will further result in savings of approximately $75,000.

The Diocese is doing its part to hold the increase to 9.5%. I ask you to continue to support our Church. Remember, your contributions help fund the religious education programs, youth ministry, Catholic schools, vocation efforts, our diocesan newspaper, and virtually every other operation of the Diocese. Please be generous when considering how much to pledge this year.

Again, I sincerely thank you for your gifts of time, talent and treasure. And I ask once more that you continue to help advance the Church’s mission, the mission that Christ gave all of us. May God bless you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours,

Most Reverend David E. Fellhauer


What is the Diocesan Services Appeal (DSA)?

The Diocesan Services Appeal is an annual fund raising campaign that provides virtually all the funds needed for the operation of the diocese.

Distribution of Diocesan Funds

Total Expenditure  Fees, Grants, Donations Net Expenditure
Annual Appeal Office 16,605 - 16,605
Audio-Visual Library *4,669 1,100 3,569
Bishop's Office *18,488 - 18,488
Catholic Lighthouse *60,347 16,100 44,247
Chancellor/Tribunal *39,016 9,500 29,516
Charities, Dues and Support of the Holy See 58,850 - 58,850
Disciples on the Journey *24,922 30,000 (5,078)
Financial Administration *58,394 120,300 (61,906)
Liturgical Commission 3,175 4,000 (825)
Occupancy *251,065 - 251,065
Pastoral Institute *16,365 5,700 10,665
Permanent Diaconate 32,750 5,000 27,750
Religious Education *31,647 12,500 19,147
Retired & Infirm Priests 27,206 10,000 17,206
Safe Environment *67,719 43,000 24,719
School Administration *48,388 104,560 (56,172)
Seminarians 427,040 **427,040 -
Spiritual Renewal Center *280,423 325,000 (44,577)
Vocation Office 14,945 14,945 -
Youth & Young Adult Ministry *89,275 73,800 15,475
Other Ministries *40,081 24,000 16,081
Capital Expenditures 40,000 - 40,000
Salaries & Benefits - All Departments 1,186,375 - 1,186,375
Totals 2,837,745 1,226,545 1,611,200

Diocesan Services Appeal Goal


Net Difference

* Departmental expenditures are shown net of salaries and benefits.
** The majority of the cost of educating seminarians is currently being funded through a bequest.

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