Week 2012

Date: January 29 - February 5, 2012

Theme: Catholic Schools - Faith. Academics. Service.



Catholic Schools Week is the time of year when Catholic schools around the nation make extra efforts to remind their communities and families about the values and educational excellence found on their campuses.  In fact, millions of students around the nation attending Catholic schools will be celebrating this time-honored practice that dates back to 1974.  The National Catholic Educational Association, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is the national promoter of this annual event which chooses a school-related theme for each week-long event of activities.  This year’s theme is Catholic Schools-Faith. Academics. Service. 


Faith, academics, and service have been the hallmarks for Catholic schools for centuries.  As many are aware, one of the primary reasons for the existence of Catholic schools within the United States was to provide the recently-arrived European immigrants with a learning environment to practice their Catholic faith.  From those humble beginnings in the early 1600’s, Catholic schools have always had academics and service at the forefront of its mission.  So, today, more than 500 years later, our mission of faith, academics, and service remains. 


Explanation of Theme 
The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2012 is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service.” The annual observance starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week, which in 2012 is January 29 to February 5. Schools typically celebrate Catholic Schools Week with Masses, open houses and activities for students, families, parishioners and the community at large.

The Catholic Schools Week 2012 logo is a rectangle, with the words Catholic Schools in red across the bottom of the rectangle. The “t” in Catholic is a purple cross and from the right top corner of the T/cross is an undulating green banner with words in white lettering that proclaim, “Faith. Academics. Service.”

The theme focuses on three priorities that Catholic schools establish that make them stand out from other educational institutions. Children are taught faith – not just the basics of Christianity, but how to have a relationship with God. Academics, which in Catholic schools are held to very high standards, help each child reach his or her potential. Service, the giving of one’s time and effort to help others, is taught both as an expression of faith and good citizenship.
(Used with permission from the NCEA website.)

The Diocese of Victoria School System

Whether you are looking for a school that has a PK-12 program, a PK-8 (typically the majority) program, a PK-6 (smaller, intimate settings) program, or a high school only program of grades 9-12, the Diocese of Victoria is the school system of choice.  In fact, our diocesan school system has as its slogan:  Catholic Schools:  F.I.R.S.T. – Class Education … for life! ©  We are proud of this slogan as it celebrates our Faith–Integrity–Respect–Scholarship–and Tradition.  Our 15 schools have consistently seen their graduates earn the distinction of top honors in the Crossroads graduating classes for decades.  Our schools have many students with countless hours of service to the school, local community, and global community.  Our schools provide daily opportunities for students to practice their Christian faith, learn about their Christian faith, and ready themselves to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

Catholic schools cannot do this great work without the help and partnership of so many.  During Catholic Schools Week 2012, therefore, we are given the chance to show our appreciation and gratitude for the many who have offered their talent, time, treasure, and thoughtful prayers throughout the years.  To all, we say “thank you” to our teachers, staffs, administrators, board members, volunteers, parents, and everyone else involved in Catholic education.  Through your dedication, support, and commitment, you ensure that our Diocese of Victoria continues to be an example of how Catholic schools provide “Faith. Academics. Service.” 


If you know of any youngsters who have not yet enrolled in one of our diocesan schools, but would like to, please contact your local Catholic school and find out how they can receive a

First-class education … for life!”


For more information, please visit us on the web at http://www.victoriadiocese.org/school/cathschool.htm


"The educational mission of the Church is an integrated ministry embracing three interlocking dimensions: the message revealed by God (didache) which the Church proclaims; fellowship in the life of the Holy Spirit (koinonia); service to the Christian community and the entire human community (diakonia)."
To Teach as Jesus Did, 1972, #13